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The Identifier of Programming Language C

Letter :  L =  a + b + c + ................... + A + B + ................... + Z
Digit   : d  =  0 + 1 + 2 + ..................................+9

An Identifier in the C programming language is any string of length 1 or more that contains only letter, digit and underscore ( _ )  and begin with a letter or underscore. Therefore the regular expression for the language  of all C identifier is

(L + _ ) (L+d+_)*

Introduction To Compiler Design For CSE

Compiler is a program which translates a program written in one language (the source language) to an equivalent program in other language (the target language). Usually the source language is a high level language like Java, C, Fortran etc. whereas the target language is machine code or "code" that a computer's processor understands.

Compiler Design

Theory Of Computing

 Theory Of Computing : CSE

The theory of computing is the study of efficient computation, models of computational processes, and their limits. Research at Cornell spans all areas of the theory of computing and is responsible for the development of modern computational complexity theory, the foundations of efficient graph algorithms, and the use of applied logic and formal verification for building reliable systems.

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