Electromyography is recording and evaluating the electrical activities during contraction and relaxation of striated muscles
. The obtained electrical signal is called as electromyogram (EMG)
. EMG is being used in many fields such as exercise physiology
, human factors, etc., [1]
. In medical sciences, EMG is used for diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases based on the motor unit
. Motor unit is a combination of muscle fibers and motor neurons
. A motor neuron is a nerve cell originated in the spinal cord
. Upper motor neurons are situated at brain which sends signals to lower motor neurons at spinal cord to control the muscular activities
. Muscles present in eyes
, tongue, and the whole face are under the control of lower motor neurons
. The disorder of these motor neurons will create many diseases
, mostly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [1]
. It was first brought into international attention in 1939 because of Lou Gehrig’s speech at Yankee stadium
, and so this disease is also called with his name
. It results in the gradual degeneration and damage of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that controls the individual action of striated muscles
. It results in twitching
, cramping of muscles, slurred
, nasal speech
, and difficulty in chewing or swallowing
. ALS generally affects people around the age group of 65 years and 50 years in case of inherited patients [2]
. The manual analysis of ALS signals is a very monotonous task which requires professionals to diagnose
. An automatic, accurate, and fast method is required to diagnose the ALS EMG signals.