Recently, TQWT is one of the decomposition processes widely using in medical sciences as biomedical signal processing and vibration signals like seismic signals pro
. According to [19], by comparing with other discrete-time wavelet transforms, TQWT is very easy and efficient method in terms of tuning the parameters
. TQWT uses very efficient radix-2 FFT’s and filters having non-rational transfer functions like used in Fractional Spline Wavelet Transform (FSWT)
. In this study, TQWT decomposes the EMG signal into several high pass and low pass sub-bands
. In this paper, we are using two-channel filter banks in 7-stages to decompose EMG signal
. Each filter bank contains a low pass and a high pass filter with their respective scaling factors α and β
. The first level filter bank takes EMG signal as input whose sampling frequency is fs which will give two outputs comprises of a low pass and a high pass subband whose sampling frequencies are αfs and βfs respectively
. The low pass sub-band obtained from first stage filter bank will be the input for second level filter bank and it continues further upto 7 stages.