This system generally also allows possibility of addressing the packet to all destinations
(all nodes on the network)
. When such a packet is transmitted and received by all the
machines on the network
. This mode of operation is known as Broadcast Mode
. Some
Broadcast systems also supports transmission to a sub-set of machines, something known
as Multi casting
Point-to-Point Networks
A network based on point-to-point communication is shown in Fig
. The end
devices that wish to communicate are called stations
. The switching devices are called
. Some Nodes connect to other nodes and some to attached stations
. It uses FEM or TAM for node-to-node communication
. There may exist multiple paths between a
source-destination pair for better network reliability
. The switching nodes are not
concerned with the contents of data
. Their purpose is to provide a switching facility that
will move data from node to node until they reach the destination.