American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB) CSE Tuition Fees and Credit :
Aiub tuition fees cse (Americal
International University cse tuition fees) : AIUB is one of the good university in Bangladesh.
After North South University AIUB is the top lebel university in Dhaka.
AIUB has 148 credit of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
fees of CSE is 20000 BDT. Per credit price is BDT 5000 and Total cost
if CSE course is 851000 BDT If someone choose Computer Information
System (CIS) then the amount of course fee may increase or decrease.
American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB) CSE Tuition Fees and Credit
At a Glance :
University Name : American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB)
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Total Credit : 148 Credits
Duration : 4 Year
Admission Fees : 20000 BDT
Per Credit : 5000 BDT
Total Fees : 851000 BDT